Ester Spirits Mandarin Gimlet 100ml
Ester Spirits Mandarin Gimlet 100ml
Made using a house made whole mandarin cordial blended with our Dry Gin. The balance brought by using peel in our cordial recipe keeps the drink fragrant and complex and gives it a certain minerality, crisp and layered, like the gin thats forms it base. Oriental mandarin used in our Dry Gin recipe means that you get layers and layers of citrus for a lip smacking sweet sour tang. The best part about this, its perfect for serving at brunch time.
Bright + snappy + spirited.
Pour straight from the freezer for a traditional serve or top with prosecco for a bold gin take on breakfast mimosa. Goes great at brunch. - Ester Spirits
700ml // ABV 22.4%Similar: Australia, Dry Gin, Ester Spirits, Gin, New South Wales