Anders Frederik Steen

 If the name is new to you, it's about time to get familiar – Anders is the Danish ex-pat, ex-chef, ex-NOMA sommelier, who also helped open Copenhagen’s famed wine bar Manfreds and uber restaurant Relae, making what are now cult status wines in the Ardèche region of France. This rule-breaker started out his winemaking journey in 2013 by buying grapes from like-minded growers and making wine with cult winemaker Jean-Marc Brignot (whose career rose in Jura and has ended up as vigneron in Japan).

He never does the same thing twice. Instead, sticks to a creative, hands off approach where the seasons 'decide' the kind of wine that is most suited to the yield. This release features three rather esoteric red'ish numbers and one orange/fizzy/textural white number. They all pretty much defy categorisation, have equally abstract names and are well suited to that super considered, unexpected thinking style of drinking. Come on, time to slide into the matrix... 
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