Eric Pfifflerling - L'Anglore

Eric Pfifferling is one of our favourite winemakers, though we're not on an island with that statement... L'Anglore wines are some of the world's most sought after cult wines, renowned for their prettiness, purity and reinvention of the image of southern Rhone Valley's more bold, rich red wine expressions.

Pfifferling established his winemaking endeavours in the late 1980s and farms his rocky, rugged soils organically. He uses no additions in winemaking and picks judiciously to maintain freshness and heighten perfume in the wines. They're at the apex of drinkability yet wonderfully refined expressions, sitting somewhere between Burgundy, Beaujolais and Rhone wines with the tension and freshness of alpine reds of Savoie or Alto Adige. 

Fun fact! Eric started his career as a beekeeper (his father was a beekeeper too) and turned to making wine after growing grapes for local co-operatives. He naturally kept to biodynamic farming principles because he saw how bad the insecticides used in commercial grape growing were for his bees. Wholesome.

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