Saison Aperitifs

Saison Aperitifs! The words up in lights. Chef Dave Verheul from our beloved Embla in Melbourne has gifted us some of the most exciting, delicious and wildly drinkable vermouth/aperitif ranges going around. Strong seasonality is a focus. Distinct, original ingredients a motif. The resulting vermouths/aperitifs have been incredible for us, poured wildly and liberally, set free in magnum (!) and drunk in gardens, on balconies, in parks and at tables with a similar gusto to any of the most thirst-quenching and delicious beverages on earth.

We've got the latest release from Saison on hand and also available for you to taste with Dave this Sunday 15 October (Paddo). Fallen Quinces is 100% freshness and high drinkability. Serve simply over the rocks with MAYBE a splash of soda to give it some length. Maybe. They've also come out with the affectionately named 'House Vermouth'. It's a versatile and wonderfully delicate yet fruit forward red vermouth which is sure to become a staple in your house (hence the name)! Perfect over ice with a fat wedge of orange or dial up... toss in some gin, splash some soda over and make yourself one of the world's best ever spritz drinks. It's also pretty dang good for making Americanos too. So good we're sold out in Newtown BUT there could be a few to be found at Paddo on Sunday... Just saying... 
And last but definitely not least, a bit of a back-flip, a wine-based Artichoke Amaro! Yes! Moscato from North Eastern Victoria serves as the base and it's layered with a heap of organically farmed globe artichokes, wild lavender, thistle, and Meyer lemon. Bittered, balanced and aged to perfection in oak. Oui chef, we're into it. All are amazing, and as always, super limited.
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