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Bruno Vacon les Innocents Ou Coule un Riviere 2020

Bruno Vacon les Innocents Ou Coule un Riviere 2020

Regular price $98.00
Regular price Sale price $98.00
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Bruno planted his vineyard outside Han-sur-Meuse in Lorraine just over 12 years ago. The site was planted over Jurrasic era limestone  with a massale selection from a neighbouring property and the vines are staked with the echalas system. The farming is Fukuoka inspired so there is no cultivation of the soil.
The hillside Bruno planted on has never been treated with chemicals. The wines are very classical in style. This wine is a single 400 litre barrel of riesling and chardonnay and is quite Burgundian in style but with a tense core of acidity. - Cam Burton, importer
2020 // 750ml // ABV 13%

Similar: Domaine du Sang des Innocents, France, Riesling, Zero Zero

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