Grab 'n' Go - Gimme Gimme Gimme

Grab 'n' Go - Gimme Gimme Gimme

Regular price $150

Moonlight Super Tranquil White Pet Nat 2022

This is a ripper. Floral and fragrant, lemon peel and lemon sorbet, a bit of green apple, a bit of greenery and peppery notes too. Soft and crisp to taste, light and very fresh, gently fizzy, super delicious to drink.

Little Reddie New! Leanganook Pinot Grigio 2023

Complexity and freshness are very well balanced. Very intense citrus perfume, lemon trees, windfall oranges and lilies, lemon tart and cut apples. It’s a very aromatic glass of wine. The palate is quite dry, a subtle grip frames crunchy pears with bright lemony acidity, an earthy slightly curdy quality is quite varietal in a ‘northern’ sense.

Amo Vino Ramato Pinot Gris 2022

Tasty number with plenty of chomp and chew. Strong red berry vibes but with brown skin pear in the mix. A bit chalky, a lot refreshing, a kind of sour-sweetness and tartness too. Some faint nuttiness in the mix.

Continental Platter Rose 2022

This is pinky-orange in the glass like a dazzling Western Australian sunset. Aww, nice. Crisp, red fruits, a dash of spice, some tangy freshness to it and a general sense of easy drinking. Some dusty tannins too, almost like you were there on a sandy beach in Margaret River, or something like that. This wine is an any time of day wine. It's a cracker. 

P&V Session Joven 2023

Bright, delicate and a whole lotta fun. It's made by Blind Corner, biodynamic vineyard, the colour is a chilled red, it's some sort of blend and my glass seems to have a hole in it.... 

Animale Pinot Noir 2023

Ohh. Spice. Ooh. Kirsch. Ooh. Sage leaf. Ooh. Dusty earthiness. That's the gist. You get a huge volume of pretty perfume, supple, soft, sumptuous feel in the palate and yet a mule kick of blood orange acidity to finish. It's got nice chew to tannins too. Such a lovely pinot noir but also has a kinda wild edge. Animale is a pretty apt name. Maybe domesticated Animale...


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