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Terada Honke Shinriki Kioke 2015

Terada Honke Shinriki Kioke 2015

Regular price $129.00
Regular price Sale price $129.00
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This is made with Shinriki rice that is grown organically by Terada Honke themselves. Only polished to 80%. It is pasteurised and undiluted. It’s a powerful & complex Sake. ‘Kioke’ means wooden and on the label it says ‘Kioke Jikomi’ or ‘Wood Ferment’. This is a reference to the Sake being fermented in an open top wood fermenter (made from Japanese cedar). - Black Market Sake

Serve room temperature.

HANDLING: Once opened the Terada Honke Kioke will last well for at least 16 - 20 weeks, ideally in a cool place. 

2015 // 720ml // ABV 20%

Similar: Chiba, Japan, Kioke, sake, Terada Honke

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