Vignerons Schmolzer & Brown Pret-a-Rouge 2022
Vignerons Schmolzer & Brown Pret-a-Rouge 2022
Pallanganmiddang Country
Nutty, dry, a bit mineral, blue fruit, dried cherry, roasted beetroot, leather and a subtle minty perfume. Light to medium-bodied, kind of firm, but supple too, with a spicy savoury almost walnutty finish of good length and gentle sappy amaro twang. Quite Italianate I think and very good to drink. Understated, but fun, albeit in a sort of serious/intelligent way. - The Wine Front
2022 // 750ml // ABV 13%Similar: Pallanganmiddang Country, Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, Shiraz, Victoria, Vignerons Schmolzer and Brown