Wildflower Brewing St Florence 2024
Wildflower Brewing St Florence 2024
Gadigal Country.
St Florence is a golden barrel aged ale wholly fermented by a diversity of yeasts and bacteria collected from native fowers in NSW refermented with white wine grapes. It is named for Topher and Bernadette’s first daughter. Saint Florence was a 7th century abbess from Cartagena, Spain.
In 2023, St Florence: Riesling was made by blending barrel aged golden mixed culture fermentation ale with 456kg of handpicked, whole bunch Riesling courtesty of Ravensworth. After a three month maceration and refermentation of fruit and beer, it was bottled and allowed to naturally carbonate and mature before release.
Topher's tasting notes: A super clean and light ale, full of brightness and ripe fruit notes from the Riesling as compared to Semillon which marries well with our Gold base accentuating it's stone fruit character above the citrus driven aspect as in Semillon. Very well balanced, exactly what we shoot for... it tastes effortless, however a lot of work went into making it like that. A drink for all tastes and ages. - Wildflower Brewing
St Florence is an ale made with white wine grapes. It is named for Topher and Bernadette's first daugther.
2023 // 750ml // ABV 6.2%Similar: Australia, Beer, Gadigal County, Marrickville, New South Wales, Ngunnawal Country, Riesling, Wild Ferment, Wildflower Brewing